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Easy White Bread

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"Everyone loves homemade white bread. If I had a nickel for every loaf of this bread I have made, I'd be rich." Carol Stevens
Yield 2 loaves



  • 6 1/2 cups bread flour, divided
  • 2 (0.25ozeach) packages (14g) or 4 1/2 teaspoons Red Star Active Dry Yeast
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon fine salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 1/4 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


  • In stand mixer bowl, add 1 cup flour, yeast, sugar and salt; mix well. In saucepan or microwave-safe dish, heat milk, water and oil to 120-130°F. Add to flour mixture. Using a paddle attachment, blend on low speed for 30 seconds; beat on medium speed for 3 minutes.
  • Switch to dough hook attachment. Gradually stir in enough remaining flour to make a firm dough. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 5 to 8 minutes.
    (NOTE: For hand mixing: following above steps, mix ingredients in large mixing bowl using a wooden spoon or dough whisk. Knead on floured surface until smooth and elastic.)
  • Place dough in lightly oiled bowl and turn to grease top. Cover; let rise until indentation remains after poking dough with finger down to second knuckle, about 1 hour.
  • Prepare pans: Grease two 9×5-inch or 8½x4½-inch bread pans; set aside.
  • Punch down dough. Divide into 2 equal parts. On lightly floured surface, roll or pat each part to a 14×7-inch rectangle. Starting with shorter side, roll up tightly, pressing dough into roll with each turn. Pinch edges and ends to seal. Place in prepared pans. Cover; let rise in warm place until indentation remains after lightly touching
  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Bake for 35 to 40 minutes until golden brown. Remove from pans; cool on wire rack.

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Review & Comments

Janie | Reply

5 stars
I have been making this recipe for many many years. It has always turned out wonderful. I do like to add two eggs along with the milk and water and put a little extra nutrition. Plus it makes a softer crumb.

Richard Allardyce | Reply

5 stars
Enjoyed this recipe very much. Light, airy and flavourful. I baked at 350 convection with 100% steam.

Beautiful end result.

Yvette M. Hoffman | Reply

5 stars
This bread is wonderful and tastes fantastic. Nothing like homeade bread.

Kimberly | Reply

Wonderful legacy, Bob. Kudos!

David Waddell | Reply

5 stars

Karen | Reply

5 stars
I have tried many bread recipes. I wasn’t happy with the outcome…they were to heavy and dense. This is a wonderful light tasteful bread. Make sure you look at the lessons in Yeast & Baking for some awesome tips on how to make your bread be the best it can be. 🙂 I used a glass baking I lowered the temp to 375 and baked it for 30 min. I can see me using this recipe for many years to come. I plan on trying as many of the recipes as I can. I hope you enjoy it as much as we have. 🙂

sherrjo | Reply

5 stars
Great bread.

Ada | Reply

5 stars
Finally a recipe that actually works and makes the best bread! I’ve tried many bread recipes but none came out like this one. This is my go to recipe anytime I bake bread. Thank you.

Lisa | Reply

My daughter is on a sodium restricted diet. I just made this bread using a salt substitute (potassium chloride)and it is delicious. Great recipe! THANK YOU RED STAR!!!

Bob Starr | Reply

I have been using this recipe since I first found it in a Red Star booklet I received in 1974. Over the years, I also tried complex recipes involving sourdough and unusual ingredients, but my family always asked for the white bread. Now, it is the only bread I bake, having become my signature item. Family members look for “Uncle Bob Bread” on every holiday table and at every potluck barbecue. In a new group, people often taste the bread and ask around until they meet the person who baked the “wonderful bread.” And after hundreds of loaves in 38 years, I still enjoy baking and eating it. I treasure my dog-eared copy of New and Easy Yeast Recipes and the one recipe that has given me the chance to bring something special to every table I set or visit. I have no doubt that it is one good thing my family and friends will remember even after I’m gone.

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